The Story of Steven and Lyle

Steven and Lyle were friends. They were prone to disagreement from time-to-time, but they were still the best of friends. How did they get to become such good friends? Well, it’s an interesting story.

Steven was born in the mid-west, to a family of farmers. As he grew into his teens, he found he was drawn towards art and music, especially as it pertained to theater and acting. He joined the local community theatre, where he met Lyle. Lyle was a popular kid and a bit of a jock, but he also loved the arts.

The two hit it off immediately, and Lyle invited Steven to come back and see his next production. The play was a classic one: “Romeo and Juliet”, or something along those lines. The two sat through the entire play, and when it was over, Steven knew he wanted to be an actor, just like Lyle.

The next day, Steven asked Lyle if he’d let him move in with him for a while, until he could save up enough money for his first apartment. Lyle happily agreed, and Steven moved in with Lyle the very next day.

A few weeks later, the two were sitting on the couch watching TV when Lyle started getting very flirtatious. Steven wasn’t sure what to do, so he tried to just ignore it. Lyle then proceeded to start kissing Steven, and Steven tried to push him away. But Lyle didn’t stop, so Steven decided he would give in to it. After that night, the two began sleeping together, and it quickly became their favorite way of spending time together.

The two were inseparable, and they never stopped seeing each other. When Steven had money for rent, he would go out and get an apartment, but Lyle would stay with Steven until Steven’s next paycheck.

Lyle’s parents had a lot of money, and they even owned a large apartment building that Steven could easily afford. But Steven refused to move out and live alone, so the two decided to move into the building and rent a small apartment together.

Steven and Lyle had a great time at the apartment complex, and the two often talked about moving somewhere else together. However, Lyle’s parents kept giving him a hard time about Steven being gay, which eventually drove Lyle to tell them that Steven had moved out.

Lyle’s parents weren’t too happy about it, but they didn’t try to keep Steven from moving out. Lyle did make one request, though: Steven had to promise not to come over any more.

Lyle didn’t want to lose his boyfriend, but he couldn’t bear to have him around his parents anymore. He explained that he was gay, and that his parents thought it was wrong and disgusting. Lyle didn’t want to lose Steven because of that, and he felt like if his parents ever found out that he was gay, they’d kick him out of the house. He was also worried that his parents might hurt Steven if he ever came over again, or if they found out he was seeing him.

Steven agreed to leave the apartment complex and live somewhere else instead. The two kept talking for a little while after that, but eventually, Lyle grew tired of waiting for Steven to actually move out.

A few months later, the two were in a theater production together when Lyle’s parents came to see the show. After the play was over, they went backstage and asked Steven if he was still dating Lyle. Steven was taken aback by the question, but he told his parents that yes, he was still seeing Lyle. Lyle’s parents weren’t happy to hear that. They said it was no wonder that Steven couldn’t have a girlfriend when he was spending all his time with a man like Lyle.

Steven tried to explain that they were just friends, but it only made them angrier. They called him a disgusting faggot and walked out of the theater. The next day, Lyle’s parents kicked him out of the house.

Lyle tried to tell them he needed a place to live, but they said that if he really wanted to be with Steven he should just move in with him. So Lyle moved into the apartment complex Steven used to live in.

Lyle tried to talk to his parents about it, but they wouldn’t listen. Lyle was now living with Steven, who was his boyfriend, but they still acted like he was just some kind of creepy homeless person who had moved in with them.

Lyle tried to explain that Steven had been living with him ever since he moved out, but they didn’t believe him. They thought Lyle had just been lying to them about being gay to keep his boyfriend from being kicked out of the house. They refused to believe him no matter how many times he said it was true, so they kicked him out of the house again.

Lyle tried to find a new place to live, but everyone just wanted to know if he was living with Steven again. It was really hard for him to get a job anywhere else because of it. He’d get turned down for jobs all the time, simply because he was gay or because they didn’t want to hire someone who was gay.

One day, Lyle met a guy named Gerry at a job interview. He’d applied to work at Gerry’s company, and Gerry interviewed him on the spot. Gerry hired him on the spot too, simply because he liked him. Gerry gave Lyle a really nice raise too, even though Lyle hadn’t worked there very long. Gerry said that Lyle had shown himself to be a good worker, and that he’d do good things for Gerry’s company in the future.

The next day, Lyle moved into Gerry’s apartment.

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